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{%- comment -%} This component can generate an `img` tag or a `div style="background-..."`. {%- endcomment -%} {%- assign is_global_asset = is_global_asset | default: false -%} {%- if bg -%} {%- comment -%} Background image {%- endcomment -%} {%- assign tag_name = tag_name | default: 'div' -%} {%- assign self_closing = self_closing | default: false -%} {%- comment -%} We render attrs ourselves and filter out `style`. {%- endcomment -%} {%- assign attr_list = attrs | to_attrs: list: true -%} {%- capture additional_attrs -%} {%- comment -%} Include attributes from context. {%- endcomment -%} {%- for attr in attr_list -%} {%- unless attr[0] == 'style' -%} {{- ' ' -}} {{- attr[0] -}} {%- if attr[1].size > 0 -%} ="{{- attr[1] -}}" {%- endif -%} {%- endunless -%} {%- endfor -%} {{- ' ' -}} style=" {%- comment -%} Render bg styles. Use src if we didn't get an image. {%- endcomment -%} {%- assign has_bg_image = false -%} {%- assign has_bg_size = false -%} {%- assign has_bg_position_x = false -%} {%- assign has_bg_position_y = false -%} {%- assign has_bg_repeat = false -%} {%- for prop in bg -%} {%- case prop[0] -%} {%- when 'image' -%} {%- assign has_bg_image = true -%} {%- when 'size' -%} {%- assign has_bg_size = true -%} {%- when 'position' -%} {%- assign has_bg_position_x = true -%} {%- assign has_bg_position_y = true -%} {%- when 'position-x' -%} {%- assign has_bg_position_x = true -%} {%- when 'position-y' -%} {%- assign has_bg_position_y = true -%} {%- when 'repeat' -%} {%- assign has_bg_repeat = true -%} {%- endcase -%} background-{{- prop[0] -}}: {{- prop[1] -}}; {%- endfor -%} {%- unless has_bg_image -%} background-image: url('{{- src | asset_url: global: is_global_asset -}}'); {%- endunless -%} {%- unless has_bg_size -%} background-size: cover; {%- endunless -%} {%- unless has_bg_position_x -%} background-position-x: center; {%- endunless -%} {%- unless has_bg_position_y -%} background-position-y: center; {%- endunless -%} {%- unless has_bg_repeat -%} background-repeat: no-repeat; {%- endunless -%} {%- comment -%} Add any styles from the style attribute. {%- endcomment -%} {{- attrs.style -}} " {%- endcapture -%} {%- comment -%} Remove attrs so we don't render them twice. {%- endcomment -%} {%- assign attrs = nil -%} {%- else -%} {%- comment -%} Normal img tag {%- endcomment -%} {%- assign tag_name = 'img' -%} {%- assign self_closing = true -%} {%- capture additional_attrs -%} {%- if srcset.size > 0 -%} {{- ' ' -}} srcset="{{ srcset }}" {%- endif -%} {%- if sizes.size > 0 -%} {{- ' ' -}} sizes="{{ sizes }}" {%- endif -%} {{- ' ' -}} alt="{{ alt }}" {{- ' ' -}} src="{{ src | asset_url: global: is_global_asset }}" {%- endcapture -%} {%- endif -%} {%- include 'atom/element', tag_name: tag_name, self_closing: self_closing, additional_attrs: additional_attrs -%}
{%- comment -%} Remove leading and trailing whitespace from `tag_name`. {%- endcomment -%} {%- assign tag_name = tag_name | strip -%} {%- comment -%} Handle the `tag_name: ''` case. {%- endcomment -%} {%- if tag_name and tag_name.size < 1 -%} {%- assign tag_name = false -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if tag_name -%} <{{ tag_name }} {{- attrs | to_attrs -}} {{- additional_attrs -}} {%- if self_closing == true -%} {{- ' /' -}} {%- endif -%} > {%- endif -%} {%- unless self_closing == true -%} {%- ifslot -%} {%- slot -%} {%- else -%} {{- inner_html -}} {%- endifslot -%} {%- if tag_name -%} </ {{- tag_name -}} > {%- endif -%} {%- endunless -%}
{%- capture id_attr -%} {{- item.id -}} {%- endcapture -%} {%- if id_attr.size > 0 -%} {%- capture id_attr -%} id="{{ item.id }}" {%- endcapture -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign attrs = item.attrs | merge_props: class: 'card card--post' -%} {%- if link == false or item.link == nil or item.link.size < 1 or item.link_text == nil or item.link_text.size < 1 -%} <div {{ id_attr }} {{ attrs | to_attrs }}> {% else %} <a {{ id_attr }} {{ attrs | to_attrs }} href="{{ item.link }}"> {% endif %} {%- unless img == false or item.img == nil -%} {%- assign _img = item.img -%} {%- assign img_attrs = _img.attrs | merge_props: class: 'card__image' -%} {%- include 'atom/img', alt: _img.alt, src: _img.src, srcset: _img.srcset, sizes: _img.sizes, attrs: img_attrs, bg: _img.bg -%} {%- endunless -%} <div class="card__text"> <h3 class="card__title">{{ item.title }}</h3> <div class="card__details"> {%- unless author == false or item.author == nil or item.author.size < 1 -%} <span class="card__author">{{ item.author }}</span> {%- endunless -%} {%- unless date == false or item.date == nil or item.date.size < 1 -%} <span class="card__date">{{ item.date }}</span> {%- endunless -%} </div> {%- unless summary == false or item.summary == nil or item.summary.size < 1 -%} <p class="card__summary">{{ item.summary }}</p> {%- endunless -%} {%- unless link == false or item.link == nil or item.link.size < 1 or item.link_text == nil or item.link_text.size < 1 -%} <div class="btn">{{ item.link_text }}</div> {%- endunless -%} </div> {%- if link == false or item.link == nil or item.link.size < 1 or item.link_text == nil or item.link_text.size < 1 -%}</div>{% else %}</a>{% endif %}
* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.