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Erectile Dysfunction in Oak Brook, IL

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What Is Erectile Dysfunction?

It may be an uncomfortable topic to discuss, but many men are struggling with erectile dysfunction (ED), the most common sexual health problem, characterized by the inability to achieve or maintain an erection firm enough for sex. Typically affecting men over the age of 40, ED can be treated with a variety of methods so understanding the root cause is important for the success of treatment. Common causes of ED include imbalanced hormones, obesity, high blood pressure, excessive drug or alcohol use, medication side effects, depression, injury, and more. It is, however, not a normal part of the aging process and should be treated. Our team at Tru Male Medical is pleased to offer men the most advanced medicinal options as effective solutions for ED. Contact us today in Oak Brook, IL to schedule your consultation, and find out which treatment may be ideal for your sexual health.

What are the causes of ED?

Erectile dysfunction is often multifactorial, meaning there are several factors contributing the condition and its symptoms. Additionally, ED causes can be particularly complex, as they may range from physical, to structural, to psychological, and more. Some of the most common risk factors that can cause and/or exacerbate ED including:

  • Hormone imbalance
  • Diabetes
  • Anatomic abnormality
  • Injury
  • Psychologic stress or trauma
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety or depression

What Are the Risk Factors for Erectile Dysfunction?

There are a number of lifestyle factors that can increase your likelihood of experiencing erectile dysfunction. During your consultation at our Oak Brook, IL practice, we’ll talk about your health and habits before discussing steps you can take to mitigate your risk of this condition. Some of the known risk factors for ED include:

  • Age
  • Smoking
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Obesity
  • Drug and/or alcohol use

How Is Erectile Dysfunction Treated?

Your ED treatment will be selected based on your unique needs and goals. Tru Male Medical offers prescription medication options for erectile dysfunction. To determine if you are an appropriate candidate for ED medications, board-certified internal and geriatric medicine physician Dr. Robert Marshall will assess your medical history, overall health, and any medications you are currently taking. After he reviews your patient profile, Dr. Marshall will recommend the best ED drug or treatment for you. Some medications have inconvenient side effects, such as headaches, upset stomach, nasal congestion, vision changes, and dizziness.

Treatments for erectile dysfunction may also be performed using sound wave therapy. This successful treatment naturally repairs and activates the growth of new vessels in the penis, which significantly helps to increase blood flow. This type of therapy results in the proliferation of smooth muscle cells to restore tissue elasticity.


97.2% effective in clinical trials for the complete reversal of ED. The only globally patented solution to treat the root causes of ED.

Tru Male is the only REGENmax licensed clinic in the states of IL / WI / MI. Stop guessing, THIS WORKS! There are just a few in the world due to the high cost of investment in the technology, training and expertise required to provide this groundbreaking treatment. Ask for this by name when speaking to our team of ED professionals. Reclaim your MOJO, you deserve it!

What Are the Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) at Tru Male Medical is a condition often linked to age, with symptoms becoming more prevalent as men grow older. Typically, men may start experiencing difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection during sexual activities, alongside a noticeable decrease in sexual desire. These changes can begin as early as the 40s but are more common in older age groups. While age is a significant factor, ED can also indicate other health issues. Understanding and managing these symptoms early is crucial, and Tru Male Medical is committed to providing comprehensive care to address these concerns effectively.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is diagnosed through a combination of medical history, physical examination, and specific tests. We will begin by asking detailed questions about your symptoms, overall health, and lifestyle. This helps identify potential underlying causes, such as medical conditions or medications. A physical exam will follow, focusing on the genitals and nervous system to detect any abnormalities. Blood tests may also be conducted to check for conditions like diabetes, heart disease, or low testosterone levels. Additionally, other tests may be ordered to assess blood flow and nerve function in the penis, providing a comprehensive evaluation of ED.

Everyone here is very compassionate to the sensitive needs of their clients. From the first phone call to the front desk to the providers. This clinic has everything someone needs for erectile dysfunction, hormone replacement, weight loss and more! Highly recommend

K.L. Google


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What to Expect After Your ED Treatment

Your experience after your ED treatment will depend on which strategy is used. All of our ED treatments at Tru Male Medical, including the Max PRP shot, REGENmax, and GAINSWave® shockwave therapy, feature little to no downtime, meaning you'll be able to get right back to your day — though we do generally advise avoiding strenuous activities for a day or two if you underwent a procedure. It's not unusual for patients to start noticing results after just one ED treatment at our Oak Brook, IL office, with many experiencing spontaneous erections within a day of their first session. However, keep in mind that it can take several sessions over the course of weeks or months to attain the full results of your treatment.

Regain Your Confidence

Male sexual health treatments at Tru Male Medical provide a safe, effective, and minimally invasive alternative to surgery. If you experience erectile dysfunction and would like to improve intimacy in your life, reach out to our practice in Oak Brook, IL to schedule your private consultation and discover your individualized options to reinvigorate your sexual health and wellness.

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How does sound wave therapy differ from medication treatments for ED?

Sound wave therapy for erectile dysfunction is a noninvasive option that stimulates the growth of new blood vessels in the penis, improving blood flow and restoring tissue elasticity. Unlike prescription medications, which may come with side effects like headaches or nasal congestion, sound wave therapy generally has fewer side effects. Dr. Robert Marshall can discuss the pros and cons of each treatment during your consultation at our Oak Brook, IL office.

Are there any precautions I should take when using ED medication?

Yes, while ED medications can be highly effective, they may interact with other medications you're taking or worsen certain medical conditions. It's important to provide a complete medical history to Dr. Marshall, including any medications you are currently on, so he can prescribe the most appropriate treatment for you. Also, avoid excessive alcohol consumption as it may interfere with the effectiveness of the medication.

Can lifestyle changes impact the effectiveness of ED treatments?

Absolutely. Lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, and stress management can play a significant role in the effectiveness of ED treatments. Implementing healthier choices can sometimes even reduce the severity of ED symptoms. Dr. Marshall and the team at Tru Male Medical are committed to providing a holistic approach and can offer advice on lifestyle adjustments that may complement your treatment plan.

How does age affect erectile dysfunction, and is it inevitable with aging?

While the likelihood of experiencing erectile dysfunction increases with age, it is not an inevitable part of aging. As men age, changes in blood vessels, hormone levels, and overall health can contribute to ED. However, many men remain sexually active well into their later years without significant issues. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, regular medical check-ups, and addressing underlying health conditions can help manage or prevent age-related ED.

What roles do cardiovascular health and ED have in common?

Cardiovascular health and erectile dysfunction are closely linked because both involve proper blood flow. The blood vessels in the penis are smaller than those in other parts of the body, so issues like atherosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries) can manifest as ED before other cardiovascular symptoms appear. Therefore, ED can sometimes be an early warning sign of more severe cardiovascular conditions, making it essential to monitor and manage heart health proactively.

Is erectile dysfunction always permanent, or can it be temporary?

Erectile dysfunction can be either temporary or permanent, depending on its underlying cause. Temporary ED can result from short-term stress, fatigue, or a specific health condition that, once resolved, restores normal function. In contrast, ED caused by chronic conditions like diabetes or nerve damage may require ongoing treatment to manage the symptoms. Understanding the cause of ED is crucial in determining whether it is a temporary issue or something that needs long-term management.

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